Networking Opportunities

The RTIP maintains a close relationship with its alumni and industry professionals and welcomes them to the UA as guest lecturers and invitees to the annual Mentor Lunch held at the annual Global Symposium on Racing. The RTIP places a strong emphasis on pairing students with those who can provide a sound support system for their up-and-coming careers.

Alumni visit leads to an internship with Todd Pletcher

Todd Pletcher standing with students

"Todd Pletcher surprised some of the students about a year ago with an on-campus visit. My best friend in the program, Mitch Gerson, actually got an internship from Todd Pletcher that day. He offered it to him in the elevator, after some conversation."—Nick Fanucchi

From "Mentor Lunch" to Wyoming Downs' outrider

Frank Lamb has lunch with a student

"Jayson made his first catch in front of the grandstand yesterday. He was awesome. His grandparents were here, too. Everyone loves him and his wife. Need a few more just like him." — Frank R. Lamb, General Manager, Wyoming Downs

Sharing their experiences with a national audience

Steve Byk hosts Joe Longo and Mitch Gerson on his radio program

RTIP students Joe Longo and Mitch Gerson on the air "At the Races" with Steve Byk at the Race Track Industry Program's annual Global Symposium on Racing.