Scott Little

Product Manager - AmTote International, Inc.

Scott Little Standing with Kim Bijou

“I could not have written a better job description for myself!” - Scott Little

Having spent years in the technology and hospitality industries, Scott came to the RTIP seeking a change of professional direction.  Like many non-traditional students, he was apprehensive about returning to school; however, the desire to pursue his passion for racing prompted his return to the classroom. During his time with the RTIP, Scott built his knowledge of the sport both in the classroom and through an internship at Lone Star Park and a seasonal summer position at Canterbury Park. He also assumed the role of assistant general manager at Rillito Park for the 2018 meet.

In June of 2018, Scott accepted the position of Product Manager for AmTote International. His duties require a significant amount of time working with customers at different tracks around the country. His broad knowledge of the sport combined with his technology and hospitality backgrounds, uniquely suits Scott to speak to track operators in their language and to understand their needs. His desire has always been to be around the track and his current position affords him the opportunity to do just that.